Why are some people able to achieve the remarkable, while others never get out of their own way? The answer is simple - they dream big. They set their sights high and work tirelessly to make their dreams come true, to inspire everyone around them to be better and do better, and to make a positive impact on the world in general.
What does it mean to dream big?
It’s a fact, people who dream big are far more likely to actually achieve their goals. And it’s not just because they have clearer and more detailed visions for what they want to do in life. In fact, according to research by Amy Wrzesniewski of Yale University, people with high aspirations for inspiration set more concrete goals than those with lower aspirations—and both groups achieved similar results. The difference? While low-aspiration folks simply kept saying I’ll be successful one day, someday I’ll accomplish X, Y or Z, high-aspiration thinkers were very specific about how and when they wanted to reach those milestones. The reason why is simple: specificity breeds action.
Dreaming vs. Aspiring
We often hear people tell us they’re dreaming big. Is there a difference between dreaming and aspiring? Are they interchangeable terms? Well, maybe yes, maybe no. The etymology of these two words is murky at best—we don’t really know where one word starts and the other begins. But both have an impact on our imagination.
Why does dreaming big matter?
It’s easier to fall asleep at night knowing that you’ve done your best. And it’s easy to feel like a failure when you don’t reach your goals, even if it was just for one day. It takes work to dream big and even more work to chase after them. But when we stop dreaming big and setting ourselves up for success, we allow negative thoughts and feelings to hold us back from achieving anything at all.
Ways Dreaming Big Can Inspire Others
Aspire to Inspire When we set our sights on lofty goals, our actions have a tendency to inspire others. It’s something about achieving our dreams and proving them to be realistic that makes others want to follow in our footsteps. Even if we don’t end up being successful, others are inspired by even just having tried. As always, it isn’t about what you achieve as much as it is about how you go about trying.
When did you last dream big?
Think back to a time when you were young—like, under 16. When did you last dream big? I’m sure there was a time in your life where you felt unlimited, like anything was possible. Maybe you had big dreams then, or maybe they’ve since been replaced by more practical aims. No matter where your dreams are now, though, it’s never too late to get them back and make them reality.
Get started today!
If you want to be inspired, look no further than your own dreams and aspirations. Why do you want to lose weight? To run a marathon? To climb a mountain? Or is it just because you need to fit into that little black dress/suit for your wedding day? Whatever it is, aspire to inspire—and then go on and get started today! You don’t need permission or a green light from anyone else; just start now.
Share your dreams...
The most powerful thing you can do for your business is to share your vision with others. Why? Because dreams inspire action, and action (especially when amplified by thousands) moves mountains. So while you’re envisioning a bigger future for yourself, think about who else you might be able to inspire along the way. In all likelihood, it will be your biggest asset in reaching even loftier goals than you could have ever imagined alone.
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